
GET /v1/standards

Get all the Enso supported actions and details to use in the bundle endpoint


    "inputs": {
      "token": "Address of token",
      "spender": "Address of spender",
      "amount": "Raw amount to approve",
      "id": "Id of the token"
    "name": "approve"
    "inputs": {
      "collateral": "Address of token used for collateral",
      "tokenOut": "Address of token to borrow",
      "amountOut": "Raw amount to receive",
      "primaryAddress": "Address of smart contract to interact with"
    "name": "borrow"
    "inputs": {
      "tokenIn": "Address of token to send",
      "tokenOut": "Address of token to receive",
      "amountIn": "Raw amount to send",
      "primaryAddress": "Address of smart contract to interact with"
    "name": "deposit"
    "inputs": {
      "token": "Address of token",
      "primaryAddress": "Address of smart contract to interact with"
    "name": "harvest"
    "inputs": {
      "token": "Token to approve",
      "amount": "The amount to approve",
      "nonce": "The nonce to prevent signature replays",
      "deadline": "The deadline on the permit signature",
      "signature": "The permit signature"
    "name": "permittransferfrom"
    "inputs": {
      "tokenIn": "Address of token to send",
      "tokenOut": "Address of token to receive",
      "amountIn": "Raw amount to send",
      "primaryAddress": "Address of smart contract to interact with"
    "name": "redeem"
    "inputs": {
      "tokenIn": "Address of token to repay",
      "amountIn": "Raw amount to send",
      "primaryAddress": "Address of smart contract to interact with"
    "name": "repay"
    "inputs": {
      "tokenIn": "Address of token to sell",
      "tokenOut": "Address of token to buy",
      "amountIn": "Raw amount to sell",
      "slippage": "Amount of slippage"
    "name": "apiswap"
    "inputs": {
      "tokenIn": "Address of token to sell",
      "tokenOut": "Address of token to buy",
      "amountIn": "Raw amount to sell",
      "slippage": "Amount of slippage",
      "primaryAddress": "Address of swap executer smart contract"
    "name": "swap"
    "inputs": {
      "token": "Address of token",
      "recipient": "Address of recipient",
      "amount": "Raw amount to transfer",
      "id": "Id of the token"
    "name": "transfer"
    "inputs": {
      "primaryAddress": "Address of smart contract to interact with",
      "tokenIn": "Address of token to send",
      "tokenOut": "Address of token to receive",
      "amountOut": "Raw amount to withdraw"
    "name": "withdraw"
    "inputs": {
      "tokenIn": "Address of token to sell",
      "tokenOut": "Address of token to buy",
      "amountIn": "Raw amount to sell",
      "slippage": "Amount of slippage"
    "name": "route"


curl -X GET "https://api.enso.finance/api/v1/actions"

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